It checks every word in your writing for spelling errors. It gives you a quick and easy-to-understand lesson. If you’re not sure why a mistake is a mistake, no problem: Grammarly will tell you. It detects basic and advanced grammar and punctuation errors – alliteration, comma splices, run-on sentences, fragments, and much more. It can be the difference between writing something clear and compelling versus writing something sloppy and unprofessional. The free version covers the basics (grammar, punctuation, and spelling), while the premium version takes it a step further, offering stylistic and best-writing-practice suggestions. Grammarly analyzes a piece of text you’ve written and checks for any errors. So what’s all the hype about? What does Grammarly actually do? With over 10 million daily active users, it’s the most popular spelling and grammar checker on the internet. If you do any kind of writing online, you’ve probably heard of Grammarly. How Grammarly compares to a human editor.What are the immediate benefits of using Grammarly?.The 3 reasons why I always recommend Grammarly.